Behavior is the universal language of children,
what is your child trying to tell you?

 Maybe you’ve noticed a stomachache happening every morning this week, they’re more riled up at night & putting off bedtime, or lashing out when you remind them to complete a simple task. They might be seeking more reassurance & asking a lot of “what if” questions, or isolating & withdrawing from friends. You’re taking on more to avoid a meltdown, but nothing’s working. You’re doing the best you can, yet you feel it’s not enough, & parenting is starting to feel draining.. and just imagine how it feels like for them.
You’re ready for some relief at home, not just for your child, but for yourself as well. You want family time to be more enjoyable, rather than walking on eggshells at home. You’re ready for your child to feel better, build their confidence and resilience, and ultimately, create a more ‘calm’ home environment. We can help you get there!

Signs your child is struggling...

sad child and mom


  • Quick to anger
  • Irritable
  • Feeling sad
  • Isolating from others
  • Constant worrying
  • Giving reassurance doesn’t help
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Becoming “amped up” before bed


  • Stomachaches
  • Headaches
  • Body aches/tension
  • Butterflies in stomach
  • Chest tight (breath feeling “stuck”)
  • Dizzy
  • Heart racing
  • Shaky
  • Increase/decrease in appetite
  • Overtired
  • Sensory changes (ie: not liking certain clothing)


  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Easily distracted
  • Falling behind in class
  • Avoiding homework
  • Procrastinating more
  • Daily routines (AM/PM) are off
  • School refusal
  • Frequent trips to nurse


  • Avoiding friends or social situations
  • Not eating in the lunchroom
  • Wanting to skip practice or quit sport/extra curricular activities
  • Decrease in self-esteem
  • Confidence lacking
  • Not willing to try new things
  • Would rather be at home
  • Suddenly struggling to get along with friends

If any of the above (5 or more) sound familiar, then it is likely your child is struggling with anxiety. Their anxiety might stem from another mental/medical condition OR it may be the cause of the symptoms that reflect the other mental/medical condition (ie: encopresis, ADHD, insomnia, binge-eating depression, learning disability, etc.). The good news is, whatever the cause, the treatment for the anxious symptoms will be the same and we will be working together to determine if any other conditions are present. 

Below, I posted a quick video you can show your tween (8-12 years old) to help them understand what therapy is and what it will look like at Evergreen Therapy. If you or your child have any additional questions that aren’t in the video, feel free to ask them during your free phone consultation!