Therapy for Teens

I know your life is full of authority figures right now.
We're not here to tell you what to do, We're here
to guide you through the mess.
Anxiety is NORMAL! We need a little bit of anxiety to keep us safe (which sounds fake, but trust me, it’s true!) If we had no fear or apprehension about anything, we’d probably end up in a lot of trouble or find ourselves in lots of harmful situations. But, when we are having TOO MUCH anxiety we start to notice to not-so-fun changes in our daily life, our normal routine starts to feel overwhelming and unmanageable, and we start to not feel like ourselves or even recognize who we are anymore.
your thoughts sound like:
- What if they think I ‘m weird?
- What if they don’t like me?
- What if I make a mistake?
- What if I’m not good enough?
- What if I never make friends?…
- get into college?… find love?… succeed?
your behavior looks like:
- Feeling on edge
- Body is tense most of the time
- Can’t “relax”
- Mind racing
- Quick to react
- Emotionally impulsive
- Frequent meltdowns
- Avoiding people, places, things
- Things just seem HARD
physically you're feeling:
- Headaches
- Stomachaches
- Heart Racing
- Chest tight or tense
- Hard to breathe or calm your breath
- Overly tired & taking more naps
- Body feels shaky
- More sensitive to crowds, sounds, overstimulation
- Hard to fall or stay asleep
- Having bad dreams
- Over or under eating
- Just not feeling like yourself
socially you're:
- Avoiding friends
- Wanting to be alone more often
- Not enjoying sports/extra activities
- Feeling more annoyed by parents and siblings
- Feeling like you don’t “fit in”
- Not wanting to go to school (more than usual!)
- Feeling overwhelmed with homework
- Procrastinating work and assignments OR
- Struggling to complete assignments perfectly
The bad news is these feelings SUCK and they can be really difficult to manage on your own.
The good news is that more of your peers probably feel this way than you realize;
you are not alone, and you don’t have to feel this way forever!