Jenna Raethke, LCPC
How can I help your child?
- First, I work with your child or teen to understand the big emotions they’re feeling and how these emotions are showing up in their life in positive and negative ways, paying special attention to the strength’s they already possess.
- From there, we’ll work together to come up with an ideal picture of what they would like things to look like and what therapy goals we can set to keep them on track.
- As therapy progresses, we start taking gentle steps towards that vision.
My overall goal is not just to help your child, but to work closely with the family unit as well. You are your child’s biggest support system. I want to help you help your child because I don’t want your child in therapy forever. Therapy can help them gain the ability to verbalize their emotions and feel comfortable talking about those feelings with those close to them.. AKA you! You can parent more intentionally, rather than reacting out of instincts that take over when we feel stuck. What works for one child (even within the same family) may not work for another, which is why we’ll work collaboratively to meet your family’s unique needs.
I love working with children to empower them and increase their self-awareness. My passion for this age group also stems from the love I have for working with the parents, too. I build in parent strategy sessions along with individual sessions with your child. Depending on your child’s needs, our parent sessions will likely be bi-weekly or monthly. I understand that every family has a way of operating that protects them and each member has a role they play that keeps that system safe. I will honor these dynamics as we work towards your new normal. Together, we can increase positive communication/interactions at home and create a more lasting change.
Why Anxiety?
Well, I’m human, too, so I know the feeling! Throughout my time working in the field I have seen a major increase in anxiety in young children. More and more kids are experiencing difficulty with perfectionist tendencies, worrying about their future, and putting unnecessary pressure and expectations on themselves to succeed in ALL areas of their life. When one area takes a hit, the rest begin suffer. Unexpected changes (parent’s divorce, new sibling on the way, moving, changing schools, not making a sports team, adding more activities to their schedule, etc.) can also negatively impact their anxiety and overall functioning. If we can help your child manage these feelings and changes now, then we are setting them up for future success long-term.
Why I became a therapist
Long answer short, I’ve been there, and I know from personal experience that while overcoming anxiety can be hard it doesn’t need to define you and it absolutely can make you stronger AND more resilient. Together, we can support your child in building the foundations they will need to succeed!

A little about me!
- I’m the youngest of seven kids, and I have FOUR sisters and TWO brothers! One of my brothers is also my twin.
- I am almost finished watching every Marvel movie.. I love them!
- I was a waitress in college and LOVED it, but on my very first day I ‘no showed’ because I was too anxious to try something new! Luckily, they gave me another chance.
- I taught myself how to play ukulele with a little help from YouTube
- I have ten nieces and nephews that I love so much, and I’d like to think I’m their favorite aunt
- Corndogs and peanut butter are my favorite foods, not together!!
- I am definitely a dog person… meet Mattie & Winston!

What is my experience?
Throughout my career as a Child & Adolescent Therapist I have worked with children and teens in a wide range of settings, such as: hospitals, private practice, schools, and non-for-profit agencies. I have experience with those struggling with anxiety (social, performance, sports, test, phobias, panic attacks, etc), depression, self-harm, divorce, somatic concerns, encopresis/enuresis, sleep difficulties, suicidal thoughts, drug use, relational difficulties, and more.
- Bachelors in Psychology & Minor in Philosphy from Loyola University in Chicago
- Masters in Counseling Psychology with specialization in Child & Adolesent Therapy from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
- Internship & work experience in School Anxiety/School Refusal Adolescent Program at Alexian Brothers Behavioral Health Hospital in Hoffman Estates.
- Private practice experience working with children as young as 5 years old, tweens, teens, young adults, families, as well as parents needing co-parenting work and strategy sessions.
- Specific training on School Anxiety, CBT, DBT, ERP, & ACT.